
When Does a Roofing Repair Job Become a Roof Replacement Job?

When Does a Roofing Repair Job Become a Roof Replacement Job? 1000 667 admin

In the last post, we discussed situations in which a siding repair may someday become siding replacement. In today’s post, we’ll look at situations in which roofing experiences the same issue – where you call us for roof repair, but we find out that roof replacement is a better option. Now, just like with siding,…

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How Worried Should Homeowners Be About Heavy Winds on Their Roof?

How Worried Should Homeowners Be About Heavy Winds on Their Roof? 2560 1707 admin

New York weather has been wild, with sun then rain then wind and then back to sun again. As of this writing, it is about 80 degrees, and then two days from now it is going to be 58 degrees and pouring rain. This has been an unusual weather season for NYC. During this time,…

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Roof Repair for Tree Damage in Staten Island with Christian Construction

Roof Repair for Tree Damage in Staten Island with Christian Construction 2560 1707 admin

Christian Construction is Staten Island’s Trusted Roofing Specialist – Schedule Your Free Estimate for Tree Damage Roof Repair Trees can add beauty and value to your property, but they can also pose a risk to your roof during storms or due to overhanging branches. At Christian Construction, we specialize in roof repair for tree damage,…

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How Did Your Roof Hold Up in the Rain?

How Did Your Roof Hold Up in the Rain? 2560 1706 admin

It’s been pouring almost every day here on Staten Island, and when it’s not pouring, it’s freezing. Every winter, our roofing takes a ton of abuse, but this year was definitely one of the worst ones. It’s February and it’s still dropping in the 30 degree range, and next week we’re expecting more extremely high…

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What Does Leaf Buildup Do to Roofs?

What Does Leaf Buildup Do to Roofs? 2560 1709 admin

For a roofing and roof cleaning professional, we know how important it is to educate property owners about the consequences of leaf buildup on roofs. Leaves and other debris accumulating on a roof can lead to a range of issues affecting the roof’s integrity and overall lifespan. Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial in mitigating…

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Example of Our Roof Work

Example of Our Roof Work 1440 1080 Chris Q.

We talk a lot about roofing on the blog, but we don’t always have an opportunity to show photos and give updates on our work. One of the reasons for this is that we’re often going from project to project, and do not stop and take the time to take photos of the type of…

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Renovations That Will Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Attic

Renovations That Will Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Attic 2560 1707 Chris Q.

Transforming your attic into an energy-efficient space is not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective in the long run. As experts in home renovations, we specialize in upgrades that significantly improve the energy efficiency of your attic. This not only contributes to a reduction in energy bills but also enhances the overall comfort and value…

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The Impact on Metal Roofing During Seasonal Weather Patterns

The Impact on Metal Roofing During Seasonal Weather Patterns 2560 1696 Chris Q.

Metal roofing, which is made up of materials like aluminum and steel, is an excellent choice for homeowners due to its adaptability across different seasons. The properties of metal roofing contribute to its efficiency and effectiveness in handling the diverse climatic challenges presented throughout the year. That is why places like Staten Island, which are…

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10 Common Home Maintenance Services You May Be Forgetting

10 Common Home Maintenance Services You May Be Forgetting 2560 1706 Chris Q.

Your property is often an amazing investment. But unlike an apartment, there is a lot you need to remember in order to make sure that every part of your home is operating efficiently. Many of the appliances, the materials used in construction, and more, need to be inspected, cleaned, or tuned up often – sometimes…

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Risk Factors for Roof Leaks in Staten Island

Risk Factors for Roof Leaks in Staten Island 2560 1696 Chris Q.

Roof leaks are not just a minor inconvenience. Left alone, they can lead to significant structural damage if not addressed promptly. Understanding the factors that contribute to roof leaks is the first step in preventing them. While there are general causes of roof leaks, certain factors are particularly relevant to Staten Island’s climate and building…

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