How Our Roof Can Affect Our Comfort

How Our Roof Can Affect Our Comfort

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When we think about the role of roofing, we typically think about roofing as protection from the rain and elements. But our roofing does much more than that. Our roof is directly related to our comfort, and when we ignore our roof or we choose the wrong roofing materials, we risk issues that can affect our overall comfort level.

NOTE: Looking for roofing in Staten Island? Reach out to Christian Construction. We provide roof repair, roof replacement, and other roofing services to help make sure that your property has the bet roof with the best installation.

In What Ways Does a Roof Affect Comfort?

It is true that the primary role of our roof is to protect against rain and snow. But it does much more than that. It also protects against many issues that can affect our physical – and even, in some cases, emotional – comfort. For example:

  • Heat – Our roof is our first line of defense against the sun’s rays. Erik of SWC Roofing in Roseville, CA writes “we forget how important our roof is for energy efficiency until we’ve seen what an upgrade can do.” Energy efficient roofing can “reduce heat transfer by as much as 25 to 40%” which makes your home far more comfortable during the hot days.
  • Energy Bills – Similarly, and as a result of that reduced heat transfer, our energy bills are a lot less when we have replaced our existing roof with energy efficient roofing. That is, of course, much less stressful on your pocket and means that you can be more comfortable using your HVAC to keep your home cool.
  • Pests – Heat and energy transfer are going to be the main way that roofing affects comfort. But it’s not the only one. Roofing also protects against pests. “Pests can fit into holes as small as a few millimeters” says Mike of ExtermPRO, a pest control company in Gainesville, VA, “so if you’re roofing is old, pests are far more likely to get inside and ruin your comfort.”

Roofing may be primarily about protecting your property from rain and snow, but those are not its only benefits. Comfort is yet another benefit, as is not having to worry about pests and other challenges.

New or Repaired Roofing in Staten Island, NY with Christian Construction

It is for these reasons and more that we need to see roofing as more than just protection from the rain. Roofing can be a great investment for your comfort. If you need roofing in NYC, please contact Christian Construction. Our team would be happy to help.


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