How Much Damage Can One Branch Do to Your Shingle Roof in a Windstorm?

How Much Damage Can One Branch Do to Your Shingle Roof in a Windstorm?

How Much Damage Can One Branch Do to Your Shingle Roof in a Windstorm? 2560 1696 admin

Theoretically, roofing is quite durable. If you think about the amount of wind, rain, and snow that roofs can handle, the average roof can withstand a lot of elements.

But if you’ve ever held a piece of roofing material in your hands, especially something like asphalt shingles, you can also tell that it isn’t exactly the most powerful and strong of materials. It can easily rip or break in the right circumstances. We see that often with the effects of branches on your property during wind storms.

All it Takes is One Branch

Windstorms pose a significant threat to residential roofs, with loose or overhanging tree branches often being the primary source of damage. While a single branch might seem insignificant, it can cause extensive harm to a shingle roof when propelled by high winds.

Although the severity of damage caused by a single branch depends on several factors, including the size, weight, and velocity of the branch, as well as the condition of the roof, it doesn’t take too much for a branch to cause damage.

Shingle Damage Caused by a Branch

A heavy branch striking the roof can crack or break asphalt shingles, leaving the roof vulnerable to water infiltration. But damage doesn’t require a heavy branch. Even a lighter branch thrown around in the wind can lead to damage, as smaller branches can scrape against shingles, removing the protective granules. Granule loss reduces the shingle’s UV resistance and lifespan

Lifted Shingles

Branches blown across the surface of the roof can catch the edges of shingles, lifting them or dislodging nails, which compromises the roof’s integrity and increases the likelihood of leaks. Shingles are nailed down, but branches can be pushed underneath and small enough to cause the shingle to lift upwards.

Structural Damage

Heavy branches can dislodge from trees, fall, and cause significant structural damage to a roof. But even lighter branches can cause challenges. A large or sharp branch can puncture the roof deck, creating holes that expose the underlayment and interior of the home to water damage. Repeated impact from branches during strong winds can weaken roof decking, reducing its ability to support the roof system and withstand future storms.

Gutter Damage

One thing to keep in mind is that your roof isn’t limited to your shingles. Your gutters are at risk as well. Damage to your roofing can hit your gutters, which in turn can also detach and affect the rest of the roof (including the shingles) as well.

The Effects of Roofing Damage and the Need for Inspection

It doesn’t take much to damage a roof, despite how generally durable roofing is. It may be able to stay safe from rain, wind, and other damage, but branches are capable of minor damage like scratching the shingle surface to major damage like destroying or removing shingle tiles.

Size of the branch, the amount of wind, the health of your roof – all of these are going to affect the likelihood of receiving damage, but there is always a risk, even for a newly installed roof.

That is why, especially – if not exclusively – if you have trees on or near your property, you should strongly consider a roofing inspection at least once at the end of any windy season. You can inspect the roof yourself, of course, but at Christian Construction our roofing inspections are very thorough, so you can trust that we’ll be able to spot damage early – before it becomes a more significant problem.

If you are interested in learning more about our roofing services, from inspections to repair, please reach out to Christian Construction today. And always make sure that you or someone is inspecting your roof after any excessively windy season to ensure that there is no damage that may have occurred. Call today to get started, or learn more about our services.


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